Cart Exporter

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Download your Amazon cart as a spreadsheet

Download your Amazon cart as a CSV spreadsheet with our Chrome extension. Export a spreadsheet of your entire Amazon cart, including the Title, Price, Quantity and Link of each item.

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↑ It's easy to export your Amazon cart to a spreadsheet with our Chrome Extension (Cart Exporter) ↑

How to export your Amazon shopping cart?

Cart Exporter makes it easy to download your Amazon cart as a CSV spreadsheet. Just install our Chrome extension, visit your Amazon shopping cart cart, and download your Amazon cart spreadsheet.

1. Install our Chrome extension

Install the Cart Exporter extension from the Chrome web store. Our extension lets download your Amazon shopping cart as a CSV spreadsheet.

Install the Cart Exporter extension from the Chrome web store. Our extension lets download your Amazon shopping cart as a CSV spreadsheet. Get our Chrome Extension ↗

2. Export your cart spreadsheet

Visit your shopping cart, then open our extension and click 'Export Cart CSV'. This will download a CSV spreadsheet containing all the items in your shopping cart.

Visit your Amazon shopping cart, then open our extension and click 'Export Cart CSV'. This will download a CSV spreadsheet containing all the items in your Amazon shopping cart.

3. Open in Google Sheets or Excel

Once you've exported your shopping cart items as a CSV spreadsheet, you can open it using Google Sheets or Excel.

Once you've exported your spreadsheet, you can open it using Google Sheets or Excel. The spreadsheet containers all your Amazon cart items, like their Name, Price, Quantity, Link, Item ID, SKU/ASIN etc.

Supported Retailers

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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common question about exporting your Amazon cart with Cart Exporter. Our Chrome Extension makes it easy to export your Amazon cart to a CSV spreadsheet, but there are some things you should be aware of:

How do I export my Amazon cart?
To export your Amazon cart using Cart Exporter, install our Chrome extension — it lets you download a spreadsheet of all your Amazon cart items. Then visit your Amazon cart page, open our extension, and use it to export your spreadsheet. You can open your spreadsheet yourself, or share it with someone else. Install our Chrome Extension ↗
Can I use Cart Exporter to send my Amazon cart to someone?
Yes, you can send your Amazon cart items to someone with our extension. Once you've exported your Amazon cart spreadsheet you can send it to anyone, and they can click the links within to add your cart items to their Amazon cart. Our extension was designed to make it easy to share your Amazon cart items with someone.
Does my Amazon cart spreadsheet stay updated?
No, spreadsheets you export with Cart Exporter don't stay updated. If you change the items in your cart, you should use our extension to export a new spreadsheet. Our Chrome extension creates a spreadsheet for all the items in your cart at the current moment, and unfortunately it's impossible for us to update it.
What else can I do with my Amazon cart spreadsheet?
You can do a lot of things with the exported spreadsheet of your Amazon cart items. For example, you can send your spreadsheet to a friend or co-worker to share your Amazon shopping cart items with them. You can also use your spreadsheet to coordinate purchasing and procurement at your business, or to co-ordinate a group gift for someone.
Is my Amazon spreadsheet Excel compatible?
Yes, the CSV spreadsheets you export with Cart Exporter are Excel compatible. In fact, they are supported by all spreadsheet softwares.
Which other retailers does Cart Exporter support?
Currently, we support exporting a spreadsheet of your cart items for Amazon, AliExpress and eBay. See the 'supported retailers' section above for more information.